
Some useful calculators for historians, archaeologists and anyone wanting to covert from 'old' units to metric. The historical value calculator was developed to provide a means of calulating the relative value of money in Australia from 1850 to present. There are other calculators that do this but not back to 1850.

There are plenty of calcuators that convert single imperial units to metric. But what is missing is a tool to convert, for example x acres, y roods and z perches to the metric equivalent. Similarly length and weight.

Historical value calculator

Convert pounds to dollars from 1850 to present or dollars to dollars from 1966.

Area calculator

This calculator converts any combination of imperial area units (acres, rods and perches) to metric - either hectares or square metres.

Length calculator

This calculator converts any combination of imperial length units (miles, chains, rods, yards, feet, inches) to metric - either kilometres or metres.

Weight calculator

This calculator converts any combination of imperial weight units (tons, hundredweights, stones, pounds, ounces) to metric - either tonnes or kilograms.